Thursday, January 10, 2019

Blog/Channel Plans For 2019 (Happy New Year!)

Hello everyone and happy new year! After having the flu as well as some computer trouble, the YouTube channel hasn't been super active lately. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things, refocusing on some new and old video ideas. I didn't really get many projects off the ground last year. This was mostly due to time constraints and trying to find that balance between producing content I wanted to make but that my subscribers would also like. This inner conflict kind of prevented me from producing much content I could be proud of. I think I'm just going to have to go back to basics. I'll do what I feel like and if people like to watch, they will.

Character analysis videos will be making a comeback, though I'll be allowing my subscribers to vote on which ones they'd like to see first. Podcasts and film/show retrospectives will still be around, though I think the character videos will become a priority again. I want to make sure I do them justice though, so they could be time consuming. I also want to keep playing around with new ideas. I'm enjoying the drink reviews with my friend James (Gimli). They're easy to do but also give me some practice with editing more. I'm planning on upgrading my equipment for better audio and video quality. I'm probably overdue for that. Who knows, I may do some ASMR videos. The Dramatic Readings may make a comeback too. We will see. I have many things I want to do, but I can overwhelm myself pretty easily. I think after this year, I might have to take a long hiatus from YouTubing. It really depends on how things go this year. I'll probably still keep blogging here and focus more time on music and film projects in coming years.

As far as 2019 goes, I realized there are many movies I'm excited to see that will probably get a review of some form here or on the channel. The picture is from Glass, which is the sequel to Split and Unbreakable. Unbreakable is actually one of my favorite films and probably the best Shyamalan has made (I know most people might say Sixth Sense, I just think it's a little the superhero may work better for me). To see that I got a secret sequel in Split was a great twist, although I thought it was just a Easter egg rather than definitive set up for a sequel. Like many of films that become franchises, some may argue this takes away from Split as its own film. I think it still works since the reveal is really at the tale end after the main plot has concluded. Split was fun and genuinely creepy at points, with James McAvoy giving a fantastic performance. It was a bit goofy at points, but much better than I was expecting. The third film seems to be hinting that Mr. Glass is really going to be the focus, making me wonder how much time is going to be divided between David Dunn, Glass and The Beast. Since I think this trilogy wasn't smoothly constructed, it might be tough to balance resolving elements from Unbreakable and Split and be a compelling movie on its own. Even so, being as I was so hyped in the theater, I will be going to see this one, and I'm honestly not sure if I'll disappointed. Unbreakable didn't really need a sequel, but I've always kind of wanted one. It would be cool to see how this characters evolve. Much like the other films. it will be probably be a dark ending with just a dash of hope.

There are many fun movies coming out this year. I may discuss some here. The ones I'm most interested in/excited for include: Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Alita: Battle Angel, Captain Marvel, Hellboy, Avengers, Detective Pikachu, John Wick 3, Godzilla, Dark Phoenix, and  Spider-man: Far From Home. I guess these studios really want my money? I didn't even some of other movies coming out I may see but I'm not interested in at all. This could be a very interesting year for movies indeed.

As far as anime goes, I'll probably check out the second season of One Punch Man. I may also check out the new Fruits Basket, since I finally watched the original.

My interests in comics have been different lately, as I've mostly been reading Masters of the Universe and Ninja Turtles stuff. I'm not sure if that will inspire much content, but they've been good.

Podcasts will probably be the best place for me to discuss general entertainment news, so I'll work on getting those more consistent. There may be co-hosts and guests but I think I'll be doing more solo stuff.

I've been more interested in playing older video games, so they might manifest into some Let's Plays, but I might just play those for fun if I have the time.

Lastly, I hope to get out of town and go to a few conventions. I didn't really do that last year.

Well those are some plans for the channel and some things looking forward to this year. I appreciate everyone for continuing to read/listen and watch. Let's make this year a good one!