Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Our First Wedding Anniversary

Due to recent circumstances over the last few weeks, we had to modify our anniversary celebration a bit. As most of you know, Amanda Manduck and I are generally homebodies, so the biggest change was transportation and (most unfortunately) food-related.
Our original plan was to retrieve samples from each of the Hummelstown pizzerias and sample them, much like we did to determine the menu for our wedding. Since I'm currently recovering from surgery, I haven't really been able to go along on long car rides and my ability to intake food has been rather limited at the moment. I thought it was a rather cute idea and I look forward to making it happen next year. This time, my lovely wife was my personal delivery driver! This marriage thing has some nice perks.
As much as I love pizza, we decided to get some pasta from Fabio's. It's an Italian place in Grantville we discovered on our honeymoon this past summer. I highly recommend it. Although the amount was small, I was able to have fettucini alfredo. Amanda got the macaroni and cheese dish.
After eating the wonderful food she brought home, we spent time finishing one of the stories from a Planet of the Apes anthology. It was based on the live-action show, so we watched an episode of that and then followed it up with Amanda's favorite film, an obscure sci-fi entitled 2001: A Space Odyssey. Ever heard of that one? Even though Amanda insisted on not talking through the whole film, ironically, we talked through the whole thing.
When Amanda suggested the idea for the time capsule filled with vows, letters and other writing material, I thought it was a very fitting idea. However, I could not have anticipated how fun and heartfelt this new tradition would be. There was even a plot twist or two!
We opened the box and examined the contents within. These included badges from the Star Trek convention and our little yarn ghosts. I've gotten much better with crafts in part due to our crafternoons at the library. I hope to go to one this month if I'm up to it.
I also think we did a pretty good job with our author summaries and recommendations. It's almost like we like reading or something. Sheesh, what a pair of nerds.
We then reread our vows after looking for Frank Saveslives wonderful wedding ceremony script. He did such a wonderful job with the ceremony. We read our letters to each other and I have to say, Amanda Manduck wrote a much better letter than I did. This is proof that I really have to up my game yo.
The best part of this process was reading the requested letters from our wedding party and families with words of wisdom, encouragement, and love.
Yolanda Poth thank you so much for welcoming me into the family. Your letter continued that message and I am very proud to be a part of it.
Brianna Steimer had some great advice and sweet words that provided laughter and joyful reminiscing. I'm sorry to say that Amanda is still the spider-slayer though.
I'm very happy to say, as with the wedding-related events in general, my guys really came through for me.
Sometimes, especially with how our past few weeks have been, it's good to hear kind words from friends and family. It serves as a reminder of the smallest yet most important aspects of any relationship. With this new tradition, it was also full of wonderful surprises.
Jonathan William and Hannah Emily We loved hearing your kind words and, in a way, your letter served as a time capsule reminder of your new union as well. Thank you so much for supporting us as friends, fellow educators, and lovers of literature. We're looking forward to seeing you both again soon!
Nathaniel Rose Amanda and I really appreciated your time travel-themed letter. It was both humorous and heartfelt. Thank you for continuing to add to the laughter and humor of our movie nights. We plan to do more in the future!
Justin Miller is a truly fantastic writer and really took the theme to the next level. I guess we should have expected no less. Two letters and with a bit of a novel-like structure complete with preludes and afterwords of a sort. We were both amazed and greatly touched by how honest and open you were as you wrote. To put it bluntly, you went there. You should really put more of your work out there. These letters were fantastically written and were full of love and honesty. You had some great advice as well. As expected, you gave us something to ponder, reflect on, and perhaps discuss in the future.
James, my best man. I know that typically you are a man of few words. I also know you probably didn't like that I gave you a writing assignment. Despite this, your letter was beautiful. Amanda can attest, I got a little tearful reading one particular line. We really enjoyed your letter and look forward to the five-year one you generously and most optimistically provided us as well. You're my best friend too.
Thank you once again to everyone who helped make our wedding special and also continue to support us on our journey together. This first year was mostly good, but it's had its challenges of course. Overall though, it was just so great to have this reminder of all those who love us and who we love together in one special memento. Amanda and I really needed this, especially after my stay at the hospital. You all helped make the day truly special for us. In my case, I actually managed to forget what had happened so recently. That's how powerful the experience was.
It's been a scary few weeks but as I recover from my surgery, I've been thinking a great deal about what's important. Specifically, that I've done a pretty good job of being thankful for every little gift each day brings. Now I'm just even more aware of it.
I'm a very lucky man to have a loving, sweet woman in my life who shares my interests and laughs at my corny jokes. I hope to have many more years with you to go to Star Trek conventions, watch bad movies (and some good ones) with friends, share good meals, take long walks in the woods, and create new crafts together among many other things I hope to do. I'm incredibly fortunate to have found such a wonderful person who accepts me and encourages me as you do. I love you, Amanda.
I also love all of you, my family (cats included), my friends, my colleagues, and all those people who have enriched my life up to this point. I thank all of you who wrote letters, I thank all who helped put our wedding day together, everyone who made it out on that chilly day to share the moment, and all who have supported us since then. We appreciate you all greatly.
Take care, everyone! Happy anniversary, my love!
P.S.- Justin told me to be more open and vulnerable, so I'm taking his advice. Be forewarned, I plan to write something similar in the future.

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